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Preparation Of Culture For Dahi / Lassi Process

Preparation Of Culture For Dahi / Lassi

Purpose: Procedure to prepare culture for Dahi / Lassi
Scope: Respective Product Section
Responsibility: QA Section
Procedure to prepare Dahi / Lassi culture with 200 U DVS culture (Varies from
manufacturer to manufacturer): For example standard unit of DVS culture of 200 U for 2000 liters of milk; following instructions should 
be followed:
1. One pouch of DVS culture of 200U should be taken.
2. Distilled water should be sterilized in two inoculation bottles of 2 liters capacity with 1 liter water in each bottle.
3. DVS culture pouch should be aseptically cut and poured in one of the bottles having one liter
distilled water at room temperature.
4. It should be mixed thoroughly for 5 minutes by shaking the inoculation bottle and volume should
be make up to 2 liter by adding 1 liter sterilized distilled water and should be mixed properly.
5. This 2 liter culture should be divided in to 1 liter + 1 liter in bottles.
6. Each 1 liter bottle is now ready for inoculation in 1000 liter milk.
7. Such prepared culture should be used immediately

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